Build 120 Update
Thanks for keeping your Chess Openings Wizard Professional updated!
I spent a bit of time and money on this one. COW will now tell you (in the future) when the next update is available. It uses new TMS Dropbox components and is compiled by the latest Delphi 10.4 Sydney.
Build 120 fixes an issue with importing large numbers of PGN games in the background.
It fixes an issue with loading thousands of named positions.
It adds a ‘G‘ to all candidate moves that match the game loaded in the Game window.
It adds a keystroke shortcut for copying and pasting engine analysis.
It has a few rough edges smoothed away.
It uses new database drivers.
The update is free.
I like making updates free when I can (even though I just spent a chunk of change for updates to the tools that I use to make COW).
If you’d like to chip in though, I always appreciate it! Seriously, when I get an email saying a COW user sent me a tip, I cannot get the smile off my face for hours. This button lets you send Mike a tip:
(If you do buy me lunch, I may add you to the burrito club.)
Here is the download link to the free update:
This update is hosted on a high speed Amazon server in the “chessopeningsoftware” bucket. Your security software is likely not familiar with this folder so you may have to override it to download the installer. When you open this disk image, your Macintosh will warn you that it is a downloaded file. That’s to be expected.
It is safe to install this update over any previous version. Making regular backup copies of your ebooks is always a good idea though. (You do use the Dropbox feature to copy your ebooks to the cloud, yes?)
As always, if you have any questions then shoot me an email.