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chess openings d.gifchess openings l.gifchess openings d.gifchess openings l.gifchess openings d.gifchess openings l.gifchess openings d.gifchess openings l.gif
chess openings l.gifchess openings d.gifchess openings l.gifchess openings d.gifchess openings l.gifchess openings d.gifchess openings l.gifchess openings d.gif
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d4     2331
e4     1318
c4     1797
Nf3     716
f4     9
g3     26
Nc3     19
b4     0
b3     8
Nh3     0
g4     1

The Opening Guide Demonstration Book

This booklet introduces the chess openings in 4,464 positions or less.You can't cover
every note to a line in a variation of an opening, for every opening, in one book. What
we have attempted is to name all of the major opening variations, and note some
ideas about many of them.

Note that 1.c4 has more variations than 1.e4 because of the transpositions to 1.d4

Putting all of the openings in one basket (ebook) gives you a quick reference guide,
but it is an especially convincing way to show the need for Bookup! 1.Nf3 ends up
transposing to the Sicilian Defense? Yes, and when it does, you are right in the
Sicilian analysis! There are hundreds of important transpositions in the major
openings. Most of them show up in this ebook and many are noted in the comments.

Rate codes to evaluate positions, such as "=" or "+-" are used for each position. The
default rate was set to '=' when this book was created years ago. Besides these
subjective rates, and the Crafty, Ruffian and other playing programs will generate
numeric assessments for any position.

The ECO Informant codes for most of these lines are on the screen.

There aren't any named positions but you are certainly free to create some for

If you have any negative comments, please address them to Mike Leahy at Bookup
Central. This was his idea. Any questions or comments,
including suggestions for more books by this author, send a note to:

FM Chuck Schulien
Bookup Corp.
2763 Kensington Place West
Columbus, OH 43202-2355

Chess Openings
Copyright 2005 by Bookup Corp.