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5 Feature Requests
Posted: Mon Aug 16, 2021 11:47 am
by FreeRepublic
1) Inherit color code forward/back
Inherit color code forward means that the color code of a candidate move goes to subsequent moves.
Inherit color code back means that the color code of a candidate move goes back to prior moves (a bit like backsolve).
2) Set default Window and Pane size
I create a new e-book and always change the COW window size and the size of the panes in that window. It would be nice to be able to set a default size for new e-books. Also a "set to default{" type of command for existing COW e-books is desirable. Once a user determines the optimum set-up for his computer, he can get there uniformly with a single command.
3) Wider width for the past moves (white, black) columns
As it is, I don't have room for a move like 10.0-0-0!? Some of that is truncated. Yet there is blank space to the right of the move list. You could either make the columns wider for white moves and black moves, or make the column width adjustable by the user.
4) CBV file import.
I assume this is not easy, else it would have been done already. Still, thought I should mention it.
5) Improved import of Everyman PGN files.
Their opening books do not import well into COW.
Re: 5 Feature Requests
Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2021 3:36 pm
by FreeRepublic
It would be very useful to have a color coding option when going to the File menu and executing the command "Import Book...". Likewise for Edit and "Paste PGN from Clipboard ..." and for PGN "Import Games". The idea is to add new material, while retaining visibility of what is new and what is not new.
Here is one example. One could have a COW eBook on the Vienna variation of the Queen's Gambit Declined and a second eBook on the Ragozin variation of the Queen's Gambit declined. While some lines are distinctly different, there are some that overlap. We can currently merge the two books. However for the variations that overlap, it becomes unclear whose comments, analysis and evaluations one is reading. If one were to import the Ragozin book into the the Vienna book with a color code option, then every move from the Ragozin that was not already in the Vienna could be designated to receive a red dot.
A similar example would be to merge a book on the Nimzo-Indian with one on the Queen's Indian. Again, some lines overlap and it would be good to see which author's contribution you are perusing. This might even help identify differing opinions. For example, when one author indicates a move with !? and the other author indicates ?!. The continuation from the imported book would be coded by color making it easy to sort out who said what.
Re: 5 Feature Requests
Posted: Wed Aug 25, 2021 10:18 am
by FreeRepublic
In regards to the last post, I have had a success. I'm still learning how to take greater advantage of COW features. While perhaps old hat to some, it may be beneficial to others.
The only opening book from Everyman that I have opened successfully in COW is Queen’s Gambit Declined: Vienna by Jacek Ilczuk Krzystof Panczyk (P&I). With a 40% off sale and 10% off for the purchase of two books, I bought two books at MC: Fight the Queen's Gambit with the Vienna Variation by GM Aleksander Delchev, and Ragozin and Queen's Gambit with 4...a6 for Black by GM Davorin Kuljasevic.
First I made a new COW ebook by importing the Vienna (P&I) book. Then I imported PGN games from Delchevs's Vienna book with the command Highlight Novelties with a green dot. At this point I have two merged books. All additional moves from Delchev's book are marked with a green dot. I then imported the book on the Ragozin variation by Kuljasevic, with novelties set to a yellow dot.
The result is one COW eBook that is composed of three imported books, each identified with a color code. When I enter additional material, for example a move suggested by Stockfish, I make a comment on the source and identify the candidate move with a red dot.
This really works! It is a good idea to keep the original books on hand in case one needs to clean up, or properly attribute, comments. I have used physical books, ChessBase and other chess programs and data bases. In my opinion, none can merge and combine books nearly as effectively as COW.
Re: 5 Feature Requests
Posted: Mon Oct 25, 2021 2:37 pm
by FreeRepublic
I believe it was Mike in a video who described how Fischer analyzed and got better. He would examine a position from the Black side, make a move, then rotate the board to examine the position from the White side make a move, rotate the board, and so on. This can be done in Chess Opening Wizard.
I'm learning a variation that is new to me and somewhat foreign. So I tried the Fischer method in COW. To flip the board, go to the first command under the Commands menu. This is good way to learn, using one's own noggin, acquiring a sense of understanding and familiarity.
I try not to cheat. There are many ways. My COW file is loaded with games. So I could choose from the alternatives actually played in games in my data base. I do not do that. It is interesting that other players have chosen the same move as I have chosen. I do not run the engine while analyzing. Though it is available whenever needed.
A feature you might want to consider is a flip-board icon. Two competitors have this. It is easier and less disruptive than using a drop down menu. It could be placed between the rate position window and the Certainty slider.
I consider COW to be the premier chess database software for the PC and Macintosh. The feature requests on this forum suggest that it is almost endlessly extendible. On the other hand, COW on the Android has a long way to go. Keep up the good work!
Re: 5 Feature Requests
Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2024 5:06 am
by nanalyly
Introduce features that allow users to share databases
Connections Unlimited or collaborate on analysis in real-time.
Re: 5 Feature Requests
Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2024 10:32 pm
by bevis0405
Gives players deeper insights into their
abgerny gameplay to focus on specific areas for improvement, providing a more comprehensive view of their development.