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Migrating COW 2016 and its ebooks to a new computer

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 5:00 pm
by marvin452
I'm buying a new computer and need to move COW 2016 to it.
It looks like I can just re-download COW to the new machine (I still have my activation code) but how do I move my self-created ebooks and more importantly; my purchased ebooks to the new machine??

Thank you,

Re: Migrating COW 2016 and its ebooks to a new computer

Posted: Wed Feb 08, 2017 6:16 pm
by MikeAtBookup
Migrating to a new computer is as easy as logging in and downloading a fresh copy of the latest version.

By default, your ebooks are stored in the Documents folder inside of Chess Openings Wizard 2016\Ebooks\

I'd recommend copying the entire contents of that folder from your old computer to your new computer.

Of course, the ebooks and PGN files can be stored anywhere on your hard drive. If you don't know where they're located, you can search for all files that end in .4MD

Re: Migrating COW 2016 and its ebooks to a new computer

Posted: Sun Feb 12, 2017 1:43 pm
by marvin452
Thank you Mike!!