EPD format with analysis
Posted: Sun May 07, 2017 11:18 pm
What EPD format with analysis and importable to COW 2016 support?
Typically the normal epd without opcodes.
With opcodes.
I will create a tool outside the COW to analyze epd with concurrency so that epd's will be analyzed faster. Once analyzed it will then be imported to COW and hope that backsolving with numeric assessment would work.
Typically the normal epd without opcodes.
Code: Select all
rq2r1k1/1bbn1pp1/1pp2n1p/p2p4/N2P3B/P2BP2P/1PQ1NPP1/2R2R1K b - -
Code: Select all
rq2r1k1/1bbn1pp1/1pp2n1p/p2p4/N2P3B/P2BP2P/1PQ1NPP1/2R2R1K b - - bm Qc8; ce -33; acd 22; acs 10; c0 "Stockfish 8";