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Interpreting Stockfish Info

Posted: Sat May 13, 2017 9:14 pm
by TomR
Using Mac Express Build 64 I get the following eval output for Stockfish 8:


Is this output directly from Stockfish or is it interpreted by COW? I'm guessing the +147 is in fact +1.47? Also what is the 10,480,971 number - the number of positions evaluated?

Re: Interpreting Stockfish Info

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 12:24 am
by sagisag
TomR wrote:Using Mac Express Build 64 I get the following eval output for Stockfish 8:


Is this output directly from Stockfish or is it interpreted by COW? I'm guessing the +147 is in fact +1.47? Also what is the 10,480,971 number - the number of positions evaluated?
+147 is an evaluation in centipawn unit or +1.47 pawn unit.
10480971 is indeed the number of positions.

Re: Interpreting Stockfish Info

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 4:14 pm
by MikeAtBookup
If there was a screenshot, I cannot see it.

Yes, by convention, chess engines report their evaluations in centipawns. An eval of +147 would equate to approximately 1.47 pawns for White.

Re: Interpreting Stockfish Info

Posted: Mon May 29, 2017 6:42 pm
by TomR
I did post screenshots (in other posts too). I think it's a permissions issue. Can you see the image now?

Re: Interpreting Stockfish Info

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 8:02 am
by MikeAtBookup
I still cannot see the screen shot.

Re: Interpreting Stockfish Info

Posted: Tue May 30, 2017 9:32 pm
by sagisag
TomR wrote:I did post screenshots (in other posts too). I think it's a permissions issue. Can you see the image now?
I can see the image now.

Re: Interpreting Stockfish Info

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 3:05 am
by sagisag
TomR wrote:Using Mac Express Build 64 I get the following eval output for Stockfish 8:


Is this output directly from Stockfish or is it interpreted by COW? I'm guessing the +147 is in fact +1.47? Also what is the 10,480,971 number - the number of positions evaluated?
According to the image this is black to move and COW is showing it as positive score (white advantage +-). If you run Stockfish 8 in console it will show negative score, but same score value. So yes this is an interpretation from COW.

Usually GUI change the sign of the score (if side to move is black), they call it "(WPOV) or White Point of View" if white is better gui will show a positive score, if black is better gui will show a negative score. COW follows this convention.

For the uci engines, it will show the score sign based on the side to move, they call it "(SPOV) or Side Point of View" if side to move is black and score is bad for black it will show a negative score. If side to move is black and score is good for black it will show a positive score. If side to move is white and score is good for white, it will show a positive score. This is specified in uci protocol which all uci engines follow.

Re: Interpreting Stockfish Info

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 5:06 pm
by MikeAtBookup
That is correct. In COW, a positive score (with the matching Informant symbol) always means White is favored. Negative means Black is favored.