Training question

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Training question

Post by bbrockva »

Not sure I get how Training works. It has to get to the end of candidate moves for the chosen line (candidate move) before it can rewind to the next line, correct? For ex, if I want to train for white in the Nimzo, black's responses after Qc2 are O-O and c5. So, I start training before Qc2 and it chooses O-O. How does it arrive at the end of the candidate moves for that line so it can rewind to c5, and not go through the entire game? Also, since there are 5 games in the ebook I created with the O-O line how does Training choose which of those games to follow?
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Re: Training question

Post by MikeAtBookup »

Training has a few settings that dictate the order in which it will play mock games against you. The default is "sequential coverage" which means it will start with the first line in each position and keep going sequentially.

Unless you set a limit to the depth, training will play all the way to the final variation which sounds like a complete game in your case.

To be clear, training is not following a "game." The positional database that makes up your ebook doesn't keep of track of games. Everything is a variation. It's just that in your case each variation happens to be based on a game.
Mike Leahy
:geek: Head Geek at
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Re: Training question

Post by bbrockva »

Thank you, how do I set a limit to the depth so it won't go all the way to the end of the game, but will instead rewind to the second line?
Posts: 198
Joined: Mon Aug 01, 2016 2:02 pm

Re: Training question

Post by MikeAtBookup »

bbrockva wrote:Thank you, how do I set a limit to the depth so it won't go all the way to the end of the game, but will instead rewind to the second line?
The program is even more flexible than that. Whenever you reach a position where you want training to be complete, click the Complete Training button. It will then go to the next variation. So when you get to the depth at which you want to train (or you just reach a position where you are satisfied for any reason to move on to the next variation) click that button.

Keep in mind that the next variation is going to be the exact variation you just played... except for the very last branch point. That's assuming you have it set to one of the Sequential settings.
Mike Leahy
:geek: Head Geek at
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