Roman's 5 New DVDs
from Kasparov's and Karpov's trainer ensures you'll be taught the most
important knowledge in chess.
Having it all on DVD means you can go directly to the topics you want
and review them as often as you like.
Seeing it on your television or computer screen means you'll
remember much more than you would from just reading a book.
An extremely low price means you'll get more value from these DVDs
than from any collection of chess videos.
The added free bonus of MasterChess 5000 on DVD (regularly
$29) means you'll get instant access to more than one million games, a
great playing opponent, Nalimov endgame tablebases and more.
GM Roman Dzindzichashvili has won the Russian Championship,
the World Open, and he has won the US Championship twice. Roman
has trained Gary Kasparov and Anatoly Karpov. Roman has
attained an ICC blitz rating of 3450. He can instruct you.
The bottom line is that you get these instructional chess DVDs by
Grandmaster Roman Dzindzichashvili for the incredibly low price of $23
about to
order Grandmaster Roman Dzindzichashvili's 5 newest DVD volumes at a
special Bookup customer price of $105 and get the new MasterChess 5000
DVD for free.
Volume 24: Live from Las Vegas National Open
Over 2 hours running
time. This DVD comes to you live from the International Chess Festival
held in Las Vegas at the US National open. Roman covers in his first
lecture the non main lines in the Scandinavian Defense. (Roman covers
the main lines on vol. 17
Unbeatable Secret Weapons for Black.) Roman feels the Scandinavian
is as good if not a better opening for black as the French or Caro-kann.
On the second part of the lecture Roman gives you an introduction to an
opening he has played for 20 years, and one of Fischer's favorites—the
Kings Indian Attack. This DVD is a prelude to vol. 28 where Roman covers
this flexible opening in more depth. Black cannot prevent you from
playing your standard set-up 1.e4 or Nf3 followed by g3,Bg2,O-O. Roman
will explain white's ideas and plans and how to achieve good positions.
In Roman's second lecture, Roman will analyze 2 very entertaining and
educational games that were played against Susan, Sophia and Judit
Polgar Triplex Simul, which took place at the US National Open.
Volume 25: Easy Way to Beat the Pirc Modern Defense
90 Minutes. On this DVD
Roman gives you an easy to follow opening plan where you will get a
clear advantage against the Pirc Modern defense and at the same time
severely limit your opponent's counter play. Roman uses a timely a4 and
h3 line to achieve fantastic results at the highest level.
Volumes 26 and 27: Nimzowitch's My System parts 1
and 2
With 75 years of
improvements added. This 2-part DVD containing 4 hours of content is
based on Nimzowitch's best selling book My System which is the
foundation for modern day progressive thinking. Roman will help you
understand Nimzowitch's ideas and theories while adding 75 years of
improvements, updates, and changes. Roman covers both positional and
tactical examples bringing to life one of the most popular books ever
Volume 28: Easy Way to Learn the King's Indian Attack
On this 90 minute DVD,
Roman will teach you an easy and flexible opening for white. You will
learn how to achieve a clear middle game plan while avoiding complex
variations and simplification. White can either start with 1.e4 or Nf3
followed by d3, g3, Bg2, O-O. Black cannot prevent you from playing your
easy to learn setup. Roman will also cover and analyze 5 highly
instructional games. So sit back and let Roman share with you over 20
years of experience playing this easy to learn opening for white.
all 5 DVDs plus MasterChess 5000 for $149 $105.
(Bookup customer discount)
is $5 for all of the DVDs.
International shipping via airmail is $9.
Order 5 DVDs Now (and get MasterChess 5000 for free)
Order only Volume 24 for $24 plus $5 shipping
Order only Volume 25 for $24 plus $5 shipping
Order only Volume 26 for $24 plus $5 shipping
Order only Volume 27 for $24 plus $5 shipping
Order only Volume 28 for $24 plus $5 shipping