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Bobby Fischer's Chess Opening Secret


Do you want to download a Windows program that will train you in openings fast?

Then sign up for Chess Openings Wizard Express.


The rest of this page contains downloads for older programs including Bookup 2000 and MasterChess.

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Bookup 2000 Professional Updates

NOTE: This program has been replaced by Chess Openings Wizard Professional.

The last published version of Bookup 2000 Professional was build 31 with the training wizard and power tools edition released in January 2006. This upgrade is free if you purchased the program after June 20th 2004.

To check the version and build number of your copy of Bookup Professional, run Bookup and choose Help|About Bookup... 

If you have build 25 then click here to download the free update program and then click the Open button to run the update.
If you have build 28 then click here to download the free update program and then click the Open button to run the update.

If you have build 19 through 24 a version of Bookup 2000 that you'd like to upgrade to Chess Openings Wizard, please send an email to:

Are you getting email notifications of free updates?  If not, send an email to:

The training wizard brought a whole new level of functions to Bookup's outstanding ability to test you in chess theory.

The power tools edition contained a number of enhancements including UCI support (the Ruffian engine is included) and many features that made Backsolving and finding novelties easier.

NOTE: This program has been replaced by Chess Openings Wizard Professional.

Build 31 included these changes:

Fixed bug that intermittently stopped training when the last move in the variation was not for the training side to move.

Added "Complete" button for training to mark variations completely trained (skipping training for unwanted variations).

Installer now supports 64bit versions of Windows.

Added "First Time Credit" to training wizard window.

Corrected Help topic for the Help button in EPD|Export Positions...

Automatically switches side to play when using training mode with a tactics or endgame ebook.

Allows tactics and endgame ebooks to stay in training mode while switching positions.

Build 28 included these changes:

Added a new Power Tool which recalculates all of the UNcandidate moves, adding all possible transpositions from imported PGN games and ebooks made from older format ebooks. (Commands|Recalculate Uncandidates...)

Fixed support for Nalimov tablebases using Crafty from any drive and folder.

Removed warning when the Nalimov tablebase folder is left blank when Crafty is first started.

Fixed problem with comments copying from one ebook to another when starting the program with two or more ebooks already open previously.

Build 25 included these changes:

Fixed animation problem with multiple processors and Intel chipsets with "HyperThreading."

Added support for endgame tablebases using Crafty.

Build 21 included these changes:

Fixed the bug where the Training Wizard didn't give the user credit in positions where the repertoire author suggests two or more candidates. (Richard Wertz, et al)

Fixed the bug that caused error 10140 when using Database Safety or opening an ebook on a CD ROM.

Fixed errors when training in positions with repetition of position.

Added speedometer to training (moves made per minute).

Added statistics to training (percentage correct, peak speed).

Added bar graph to show training percentage complete in each line during training.

Previous updates included the power tools and the training wizard along with these changes:

New smaller and faster installer.

Fix bug that used whatever the last font was in the printer when printing a game. If user printed a diagram and then prints a game, the game came out in the diagram font. (Leo Lacrimosa)

The More Games... button appeared in the Game List window even when no game files were listed. Pressing it gave an assertion message. Fixed.

Fixed error message when accidentally right clicking while dragging a piece.

Double clicking ebooks will now automatically run Bookup and open the ebook.

Program now stores 9 (rather than 4) of the last open ebooks and it now remembers of the ebooks were opened read-only. (Bill Lewis)

Ebooks can easily be renamed and deleted.

Four sizes of 2D diagrams and full speed 3D diagrams under Windows XP.

Bookup detects its own checkmates and stalemates, getting around problems with some engines.

Watching PGN files automatically is simplified.

All ebooks will mark the candidates that belong to the loaded game with a 'G'. (Dennis Cook)

The preferences now automatically remembers the engine nicknames. (Steve Dennis)

The comments window is shown when an ebook is opened and is hidden when all ebooks are closed. (Dominique Laurain)

The default folders for books, games, EPD files and text files are now located in C:\Bookup Files\

Fixed problems with "read only" and "in use" PGN files in the Watch Files... functions.

Fixed problems with 3D diagram, various error messages on Windows XP and Windows 2000.

The comment window is automatically hidden when all ebooks are closed.

Fixed problems with using piece letters other than English, especially when importing PGN files.

Better error message when a PGN file in the search list has been deleted.

Now creates new folders if necessary for ebooks listed in Watch PGN feature.

The settings of the splitter bars in the ebook and Game windows are now saved.

Correctly reports the number of mirrored positions consolidated when importing old format ebooks.

Now supports foreign piece letters in the Game window.

Added a New Game command to the Game window's Command button so that PGN games can be created from scratch.

Added Copy FEN to Clipboard command to Game window so the position can be pasted into an ebook or Fritz for computer analysis.

Fixed rare problem with extremely long FEN notation in EPD files.

Enhanced 2D board with "Large board" option and faster animation.

Default 2D square colors are the European cream and tan.

One click will check for program updates on the internet.


Bookup 2000 Express Updates

NOTE: This program has been replaced by Chess Openings Wizard Express.

The latest version of Bookup 2000 Express is build 30 with the Training Wizard released January 2006.

If you have build 20 through 29 then this is a free update.

To check the version and build number of your copy of Bookup Express, run Bookup and choose Help|About Bookup...

If you have any version of Bookup 2000 Express already installed then click here to download the free update program and then click the Open or Run button to run the update.

If you signed up for a previous version, you should have received an email with information about the new version.

Build 30 included these changes:

Added a 'Complete' button to training which allows you to skip variations on the fly. 

Added support for automatically switching the training side for the computer when training with a tactics ebook (or any ebook with named positions).

Uses a 64bit installer for 64bit versions of Windows.

Fixed a bug that would intermittently hang up training when the last move in a variation was not for the user's side to move.

Build 29 included these changes:

Added recognition of registration codes for builds 26 and 27.

Build 27 included these changes:

Fixed support for Nalimov tablebases using Crafty from any drive and folder.

Removed warning when the Nalimov tablebase folder is left blank when Crafty is first started.

The extraneous "Button3" has been removed.

Fixed problem with comments copying from one ebook to another when starting the program with two or more ebooks already open previously.

If you have a version prior to build 26 and a Pentium 4 with HyperThreading (HT) be sure to choose Edit|Preferences... and move sliding piece speed to the maximum setting.  Otherwise Bookup 2000 Express may crash.

Build 26 includes these changes:

Support for endgame tablebases using Crafty.

Support for animation on Intel Pentium computers with HyperThreading (HT).


Build 23 includes these changes:

New Training Wizard that systematically trains you on all the lines in your ebook.

The Training Wizard allows you to give yourself up to full credit for positions played correctly the first time, putting more emphasis on positions you miss.

The trial period is twice as long.

The engine nicknames stay in synch between the engine window and the engine settings.

Handles annotated PGN files from ChessPad.


Build 19 includes these changes:

The Comments window correctly remembers its size and position when the program is closed with the window set to full screen.

German piece letters now work with UCI (Ruffian) engine analysis.

The program is now registered with a unique 16 character key. This makes the program "try before you buy." No copy protection was added however.

Preferences are now stored in the registry per Microsoft requirements.

It now remembers engine nicknames correctly.

It no longer changes the backsolved rate when importing PGN games and...

It allows deleting the backsolved Informant symbols. by right clicking on the symbol. Since the Express version does not have backsolving it was sometimes bothersome to see backsolved information that could not be edited.

Fixed a bug (Assertion Bookwin.pas line 3827) associated with very long candidate notations with lots of color codes and large backsolve numbers.

No longer allows the More Games button to be used by mistake when the search is complete. (C:\Bwindev\Express18\Main.pas Line 2614)

UCI engines can now use Edit|Grab Engine Analysis

Build 17 includes these changes:

Fixed bug with blank pieces in Commands|Setup Position..

Fixed bug that didn't close UCI engines when program closed.

Fixed it so that the play engine's best move/line buttons work with UCI engines.

Added board name label just below VCR buttons.

Added menu item that jumps to previous named position with Shift+F3.

Handles unprintable characters in PGN comments.

Handles huge comments from

Builds 15 and 16 also had a number of changes:

This version includes one of the power tools from the new Professional version.

This build also contains a number of enhancements including UCI support (the Ruffian engine is included) .

Besides the power tool and Ruffian, this upgrade also has these changes:

Ebooks can easily be renamed and deleted.

Four sizes of 2D diagrams and full speed 3D diagrams under Windows XP.

Bookup detects its own checkmates and stalemates, getting around problems with some engines.

Watching PGN files automatically is simplified.

All ebooks will mark the candidates that belong to the loaded game with a 'G'. (Dennis Cook)

The preferences now automatically remembers the engine nicknames. (Steve Dennis)

The comments window is shown when an ebook is opened and is hidden when all ebooks are closed. (Dominique Laurain)

Build 11 also had a number of changes:

The default folders for books, games, EPD files and text files are now
located in C:\Bookup Files\

Fixed problems with "read only" and "in use" PGN files in the Watch Files...

Fixed problems with 3D diagram, various error messages on Windows XP and Windows 2000.

The comment window is automatically hidden when all ebooks are closed.

Fixed problems with using piece letters other than English, especially when importing PGN files.

Better error message when a PGN file in the search list has been deleted.

Now creates new folders if necessary for ebooks listed in Watch PGN feature.

The settings of the splitter bars in the ebook and Game windows are now saved.

Correctly reports the number of mirrored positions consolidated when importing old format ebooks.

Now supports foreign piece letters in the Game window.

Added a New Game command to the Game window's Command button so that PGN games can be created from scratch.

Added Copy FEN to Clipboard command to Game window so the position can be pasted into an ebook or into Fritz for computer analysis.

Fixed problem that limited loaded games to the maximum import plies for PGN.

Fixed rare problem with extremely long FEN notation in EPD files.

Enhanced 2D board with "Large board" option and faster animation.

Default 2D square colors are the European cream and tan.

One click will check for program updates on the internet.

NOTE: This program has been replaced by Chess Openings Wizard Express.



Quiet Move PGN Example

This is an example of FEN notation in PGN files.  The file comes from Tom Tedrick and contains puzzles with "quiet" moves in the solutions.  Import with Bookup's PGN menu. 

Quiet.PGN (100K) Last updated: July 7, 1999

Online Distractions

When you are stuck on that chess problem, it can be useful to play slots to take your mind off the problem, and then return to it later.

ECO Opening Database

This self-extracting file contains an ebook with over 6,200 positions in the opening with ECO codes and English language names for the variations based on ECOMast by Franz Hemmer & Paul Onstad. Requires any version of Bookup 2000 (download Bookup Express for free)

ECOMaster.exe for Windows (227K) Last updated: June, 2003


Download MasterChess 5000 Update

NOTE: MasterChess 6000 has replaced this product.

This "Extreme Graphics" version requires that...

  • MasterChess 5000 must already be installed.
  • Windows XP, NT, 2000 or a 32bit OS must be used.

This update adds a new separate "Extreme Graphics" version of the program with all new 2D diagrams and program skin.  The previous version is not changed by this update.

MC5000EGsetup.exe (1.9MB) Build 4 of MasterChess 5000, the "Extreme Graphics" update. Last updated: May 24, 2006. This is a free chess software update for MasterChess 5000 owners.


Download Essentia Update

This update to the Essentia CD for Windows allows the user to select a drive letter higher than F.

NOTE: MasterChess 6000 has replaced this product.

esntupdt.exe for Windows (169K) Last updated: July, 1997.

Download Zarkov Update

This update to the Zarkov analysis engine fixes a bug which pauses analysis when a king returns to its home square.

zarkupdt.exe for Windows (384K) Last updated: December, 1996.

Download Chess Diagram

Download a free Delphi 16-bit chess diagram component. This is for programmers only! (1,240K)

You will need PKZip or Winzip to unpack the files in .zip format.

This is a very old Delphi component.  For information on source code for Chess Openings Wizard, please send an email to: or visit programmers.htm

Other Game Examples

Improving your strategy can be done by playing other games from time to time, which helps you to think outside the box. Play bingo online to keep your focus.
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