Bobby Fischer's Opening "Secret"
So you already know something about openings. Then the next few
pages will explain an 'obvious' secret for mastering the chess openings.
Do you remember the world championship match between Bobby
Fischer and Boris Spassky?
Bobby Fischer always played
1.e4. He called it "Best by test." He played 1.e4 against everyone, every time.
Except in that one game with Spassky! Do you remember
what Fischer did? He played 1.c4 and let it transpose into a queen pawn opening.
Fischer disdained queen pawn openings. He never played them. Never.
They asked Fischer why he played a queen pawn opening that game.
He said he wanted to give them something to think about.
Would you like to give your opponents something to think about?
I know you. And one thing I know about you (because you're
reading this page) is that your opponents know how to prepare to beat you in the
chess opening.
How do I know that?
Because every player goes through a phase of creating a
repertoire, a plan for the opening against everything one can memorize. This
is good, because in every game of chess you have to play the chess opening!
Planning ensures that you won't make known mistakes. Planning saves you time on
the clock. Planning your chess opening repertoire is a good thing.
Bobby Fischer is a prime example. He planned his opening
repertoire after 1.e4 with more diligence than anyone on the planet. He was so
sure of his plans that on the very rare occasions where he made a mistake
in the opening he would announce exactly what he would play in the future if
anyone dared to copycat that game!
Fischer absolutely is the game's best example of preparation in
the chess openings. He spent more time and energy studying 1.e4 than you or I
will do in our lifetimes.
But Fischer did something else that everyone seems to miss...