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Chess Openings Wizard Professional

Chess Openings Wizard Express

eBook Library
Tactical Studies

Roman's DVDs

Schiller eBooks

 Chess Openings Wizard Express - product key ($67)

 Chess Openings Wizard Professional - product key ($197)


Our top ebooks on one CD ROM ($400) See description of all of our Books-on-Disk The next 16 ebooks listed below are included on this CD ROM plus 7 discontinued grandmaster repertoires:

Individual ebooks can be ordered and downloaded immediately.  

Opening Ebooks in Chess Openings Wizard Format

The Scandinavian - A Complete Chess Opening Repertoire Against 1.e4   ($19) 

The Classical Ruy ($25)  A study of the Ruy Lopez (Spanish) classical variation. Over 7,000 positions - more than enough instruction to allow you to play this grandmaster opening.

The Closed Game ($29)  A repertoire for Black after 1.d4 d5. Using the Queen's Gambit Accepted as the main line, this book has suggestions for every possibility, even for the London System and the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit. Over 10,000 positions provide you with all the instruction you'll need to defend the black side of 1.d4.

Gambits Against the French ($19)  Gambits for White against the French by columnist Tim McGrew

Learn Chess from the World Champ ($29) Annotated games from each of the World Championship matches including in-depth coverage of Kasparov-Anand.

The London System II ($29)  The second edition of a complete repertoire for White against any defense, based on the setup of d4, Nf3 and Bf4. Over 10,000 positions, the London II covers every Black try from the Indian defenses to the Dutch. This is a practical opening used by today's top grandmasters but it is still quite easy to learn. Over 500 recent London games are also included in ASCII text and DOS ChessBaset format.

The Open Game II ($29)  A repertoire for Black after 1.e4 e5. This database contains practical and sound lines for every variation - now including the Spanish Ruy Lopez! Kaidanov has swept the U.S. playing field with 1.e4 e5 and now you can learn these defensive systems faster than with any other method. Updated for 1996!

The Samisch Seminar II ($29) The second edition of Chuck Schulien's seminar on the Bg5 variation of the Sämisch which appears in lines of the King's Indian defense and the Benoni. Cutting edge theory in a topical line. The Bg5 Sämisch is the recommended way to play in GM Barlov's White is Better! 1.d4

The Scheveningen Sicilian ($29)  Over 17,000 positions and 248 games! Learn the strategy behind this aggressive yet solid counterattacking defense to 1.e4. The lines chosen have stood the test of time, but we have added the most recent games and ideas as well. You choose how dangerous the position gets!

The Smith-Morra ($29)  An attacking opening gambit for White against the Sicilian defense. This opening still claims points from Grandmasters and its tactical nature will test your skills at every turn. Over 11,000 positions, this book is a fantastic resource for the club player who faces the Sicilian.


Defense ($25)  Fifty annotated master games demonstrate various defensive motifs such as exchanging to obtain drawn endgames, closing lines, combining for perpetual check and using tactics to force the exchange of attacking pieces. The thinking of a defensive master comes to life on your screen. The games are grouped by the motif.

Endgame Studies

100 Essential Endings ($29) Over 7,000 positions cover the fundamental endgame techniques that every master knows and every class player must learn. The perfect complement to King & Pawn Part I and great preparation for The Rubinstein Collection.

King & Pawn I ($25)  The essential endgame lessons. Every tournament player should know each of these endings by heart. Presented as a series of 60 lessons, this database of over 4,000 positions is by far the fastest way to learn this important knowledge. BOOKUP's transposition feature works wonders in tying the endgame analysis together. The commentary is geared towards the beginning student so anyone can pick up the concepts quickly.

The Rubinstein Collection ($25)  Extensive analysis of the endgames of Akiba Rubinstein, an endgame genius. Examples are given in every type of endgame setting. More advanced than the King and Pawn Part I.

Tactical Studies

Barking Dog Tactics Vol 1 ($10) Barking Dog Tactics (Volumes 1 and 2) Tactics studies done in BOOKUP style! Each volume has 100 tactical exercises with the correct -- and incorrect -- solutions "deleted." You solve the problems by adding in the correct move. If it transposes to the correct analysis, you win! If it transposes to an incorrect solution you might be warned immediately or the author may lead you further astray to show you why your plan doesn't work. These studies are masterfully done by one of America's best chess teachers.

Barking Dog Tactics Vol 2 ($10)  Barking Dog Tactics (Volumes 1 and 2) Tactics studies done in BOOKUP style! Each volume has 100 tactical exercises with the correct -- and incorrect -- solutions "deleted." You solve the problems by adding in the correct move. If it transposes to the correct analysis, you win! If it transposes to an incorrect solution you might be warned immediately or the author may lead you further astray to show you why your plan doesn't work. These studies are masterfully done by one of America's best chess teachers.

& Videos

Roman Dzindzichashvili's library DVDs

Susan Polgar's DVDs

Susan Polgar's DVD for Kids


Chessworks Ebooks from FM Eric Schiller

All 34 ebooks (below) on CD ROM ($219) 

Advance Caro-Kann Short Variation $9.50

Albin Countergambit $9.50

Anti-Sicilian Nyezhmetdinov $9.50  
Cambridge Springs $9.50

Classical Caro-Kann $9.50

Classical Tarrasch $9.50

Dutch Modern Stonewall $9.50

English Keres Parma $9.50

Evans Gambit $9.50

Four Knights $9.50

French Defense Steinitz $9.50

French MacCutcheon - for White $9.50  
French Winawer Bd2 $9.50

Greco White Repertoire $9.50

King's Indian Exchange Variation $9.50

King's Indian Four Pawns Attack $9.50

King's Indian Steiner Attack $9.50

Modern Defense: Averbakh Lines $9.50

Modern Rat $9.50

Nimzowitsch Sicilian $9.50

Noteboom Variation $9.50

Paulsen Sicilian $9.50

QGD Canal, Prins & Vienna $9.50

Scandinavian Lasker $9.50

Schara Gambit $9.50

Sicilian Anti-Dragon B35 $9.50

Smith-Morra Gambit $9.50

Spanish Bird $9.50

Spanish Exchange Bd6 $9.50

Spanish Open Dilworth $9.50

Spanish Open Variations $9.50

Spanish Zaitsev $9.50

Spielmann Open Games $9.50

Two Knights $9.50

Computer Research Ebooks from Bill Haines

Bill Haine's French Advance 6.Be2 info $19.00

Bill Haine's C02 info $19.00

Bill Haine's C02 7.Nh6 info $19.00



For programmers only: purchase the Delphi source code for $300.

Chess Openings Wizard is written in Delphi 2007 and uses a number of third party libraries. The offer to purchase the source code is available only to registered users of the Professional version. Limited support at the source code level is available via email from the programmer.


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