You want to learn chess openings fast? Three
things you must do:
You must PLAN. You must choose your chess opening moves, a process known
as creating a "repertoire." An
opening repertoire is a decision tree of your choices that you are
prepared to make move-by-move in each game without further thinking.
Your repertoire allows you to play the chess openings quickly
with confidence, saving time on the clock. You prevent mistakes.
You need a way to document your moves and your notes. As you make
moves in Chess Openings Wizard (Express and Professional) every move you make is instantly saved and checked for
transpositions. It instantly saves every note you type.
You also want to leverage the repertoires of masters. You can slash the amount
of time needed for the planning phase by starting with an
ebook on an opening played by grandmasters. Here you adopt the thinking
of a grandmaster or teacher or coach who has already prepared an opening
repertoire. The author's recommendations and notes are ready to learn.
You need a way to update your repertoire as new games are published.
Chess Openings Wizard
imports PGN files from the internet or from game databases such as ChessBase,
Chess Assistant and MasterChess. Chess Openings Wizard also imports
the games that you have played on internet chess servers. These added
games extend your repertoire, and Chess Openings Wizard can color code the new moves to show
you where your repertoire has grown.
You want to be sure your new ideas are accurate. Chess Openings Wizard has built in chess
engines that will instantly assess any position and recommend the best lines of
play for both sides.
You must TRAIN yourself and test your memory to be sure you know your repertoire. You
want to be able to play out your plans quickly on the internet and over the
Chess Openings Wizard plays mock games against you to test your chess opening knowledge. It
can force you (and the computer) to play only moves in the ebook or even to play
only the best moves in the ebook (which you can select).
When you stop training, you need to be able to instantly edit your repertoire.
You need to go beyond canned tutorials to constantly deepen your knowledge of
the opening. Chess Openings Wizard does this.
You must PLAY in order to test your openings. You want to consider playing on the internet where your games
are logged in a PGN file, because at some point in each game you or your opponent will play a move that is beyond
your knowledge of the chess opening. After the game, you must cycle back to the
planning phase to decide what to do when you're faced with that opening position
Chess Openings Wizard "watches" the log file of your internet chess games, automatically
imports your games into your repertoire ebooks, and takes you immediately to
the point in the chess opening where you or your opponent played a move that was
not in your repertoire. From there you are back in the planning phase where
you can get help from the built in chess engine and also research master games
for an opinion on the new move.
Cycling steadily through the Plan, Train and Play phases
constantly grows your knowledge of the chess opening and improves your
confidence and your results. Chess Openings Wizard takes care of the tedious work of comparing
your games to your plans.
Chess Openings Wizard Professional contains sophisticated
tools for planning. It uses chess engines to analyze your entire repertoire
(not just games) overnight. Then it show positions where the Informant symbols
don't agree with the computer analysis. These might be improvements over chess
theory or corrections to tactical flaws in your repertoire or at least new ideas
worth considering.
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